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Foods That Can Help Your Face Look Younger

If you’ve ever woken up in the morning and not quite recognized the face you see in the mirror, you’re not alone. For many of us, aging is a process that seems to happen virtually overnight, with lines and wrinkles appearing as if out of nowhere. Letting gravity and time take their natural course can be beautiful, but it’s also okay to be less-than-satisfied with seeing a stranger staring back at you every time you catch your reflection.

So what’s the solution? Get your skin healthy from the inside out. Drinking more water, boosting your circulation through exercise, and adding collagen-promoting, free radical-scavenging foods to your diet can get you the youthful-looking skin you want without making a major dent in your budget.

If you’re eager to enjoy a luminous complexion, start by adding these foods to your diet.

Start your quest for younger-looking skin by adding some omega-3s to your diet. Research conducted at Purdue University reveals that omega-3s can help your body create new collagen-forming cells, making it a perfect addition to any anti-aging diet. Salmon, and other similar fish are loaded with Omega-3s, and although we need to make sure we don’t OVER do our seafood intake because of mercury concerns, a diet that is high in Omega 3-s is heart healthy and skin healthy too!

Low on the glycemic index and loaded with antioxidants, raspberries are a powerhouse food for aging skin. Not only are raspberries a great choice for anyone dealing with the metabolic slowdown that often accompanies getting older, they’re also loaded with resveratrol, which researchers at Harvard Medical School have found effective at slowing the aging process.

Enjoying a steak from time to time could be the key to a more youthful look. Beef is a great source of alpha lipoid acid, an antioxidant that fights free radicals and inflammation. Researchers at Oregon State University have even found that ALA can improve circulation and slow the aging process, so go ahead and indulge those red meat cravings once in a while.

Start your day with grapefruit and start yourself on a path toward younger looking skin. Grapefruit is an excellent source of vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that fends off free radicals, boosts your immune system, helps aid the collagen-making process, and even has photoprotective properties.

You may think of citrus fruits as being the foods highest in vitamin C, but orange bell peppers have them beat. Just add a few strips to your favorite stir fry or stuff them with healthy grains and lean protein for a perfect age-fighting meal.

Filling, full of fiber, and an easy addition to your anti-aging diet, chickpeas should be part of every health-conscious individual’s meal plan. Chickpeas boast anti-aging powerhouse ALA, as well as plenty of waist-friendly protein, which can help you hit your goal weight in no time.

Garlic may be no friend to your breath, but when it comes to your skin, it can’t be beat. Not only does antioxidant-rich garlic fight inflammation, it’s also a great way to protect against damaging UV rays and fight free radicals that can damage your skin and overall health.

Sip your way to healthier skin by making white tea part of your meal plan today. White tea is loaded with antioxidants, which can help fight skin damage and fend off those pesky lines and wrinkles.

Instead of grabbing a processed convenience snack, enjoy some cashews the next time the munchies hit — you might just see an improvement in your skin from it. Cashews are packed with skin-softening, wrinkle-fighting vitamin E, as well as plenty of zinc, which can help fight inflammation that can lead to the appearance of aging skin.

Making dark chocolate your dessert of choice could have you looking younger in no time. Dark chocolate is loaded with age-fighting antioxidants, and researchers at Witten/Herdecke’s Institute for Experimental Dermatology have even found that the flavanols in cocoa can help fight off skin-aging sun damage. Just make sure that you’re eating the real stuff — many commercially produced varieties of chocolate are loaded with high fructose corn syrup and dairy, which can inflame skin conditions.

Start your anti-aging diet off on the right foot by making kale a regular part of your diet. In addition to its versatility, kale is a great source of lutein, which researchers at Georgian Court University have found effective at reducing the risk and effects of UV-induced cancers as well as helping diminish the loss of healthy cells and elastin in the skin.

Eating well and targeting foods like we’ve listed above can really help your face keep that young and healthy appearance, but you can also fight off the skin aging process by meeting with Metamorphosis aesthetician or health care provider. Utilizing some of the finest state of the art technologies and equipment makes it possible slow down, and even reverse, the aging process and appearance of your skin. Call us today at 407.418.9122 and set up a free consultation. Let us help you stay keep that beautiful, youthful look in one of our two locations… St. Cloud and Hunter’s Creek!

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