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IPL Skin Resurfacing




Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) skin treatments using the photorejuvenation process represent a breakthrough in age-defying skin care. This new technique treats skin damage non-invasively — there is no disruption of the skin’s epidermal surface. IPL treatments address the effects of photoaging and sun damage with low risk of complications and no recovery time.

IPL is the gold standard for photorejuvenation. This FDA-cleared, patented technology provides dramatic results for a variety of benign conditions, including age spots, sun-induced freckles, symptoms of rosacea, birthmarks, unsightly veins, acne scarring and other blemishes — even unwanted hair. Why choose IPL over other treatment options? Laser resurfacing and deep chemical peels often send patients into hiding, as they wait for redness and swelling to subside. Microdermabrasion addresses skin irregularities, but is not effective against all complexion problems including redness, flushing and broken capillaries. Face lifts and other surgical procedures are far too invasive for younger patients and “baby boomers” who simply want to revitalize their appearance without recovery downtime.

The visible signs of aging on the skin cannot be completely avoided, but they can be dramatically reduced. At Gearity Wellness – our professionals use the utmost care and skill in how we treat our patients. There are two types of aging when it comes to skin— intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic aging involves the inevitable; as we continie to grow older, our skin naturally becomes thinner and drier. Diminished amounts of collagen makes the skin less elastic. What used to bounce back begins to sag. Static, deep wrinkles may begin appearing. The rate of these events is genetically determined for each person; the process first becomes noticeable between the ages of 30 and 35. Extrinsic aging results from exposure to the environment. Extrinsic aging is the critical element in determining who looks older or younger than their biological age. Exposure to sunlight is a key contributor to extrinsic aging.

Photoaging occurs when elastin and a collagen breakdown are not replaced, causing fine lines and wrinkles to intensify. Photoaging also causes pigment changes with development of age spots (sun-induced freckles) and uneven skin tone. Spider veins and dilated capillaries are another sign of photoaged skin. Lifestyle choices also have an impact on extrinsic aging. Cigarette smoking contributes to the breakdown of elastin and collagen and impairs the body’s healing capacity. The simplest way to see the contrast between intrinsic and extrinsic aging is to compare skin commonly exposed to the sun (face, hands, and neck) and skin not exposed to the sun (usually on the breasts, inner arms or buttocks).

The Science of Light: IPL Helps Restore the Skin’s Youthful Glow There are an overwhelming number of options available to improve the skin’s appearance, from creams and peels to microdermabrasion and laser treatments. Can any of these procedures provide significant improvement without interrupting daily routines?

IPL Skin Treatments using Photorejuvenation offers a solution that:

Addresses skin conditions that are most visible Treats the entire face, not only small spots Causes little discomfort Offers an immediate return to routine activities Provides gradual, natural-looking improvement Produces long-lasting results.

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